Winja CTF Writeup for Crucial First Aid Challange

2 min readMar 7, 2021


Hey Reader, Hope you are doing well and things are good at your end :)
I am Yash aka mass0ma a CS student, CTF player, bug bounty hunter. In this writeup I will be giving you the solution for Winja CTF of the Crucial First Aid Challange. So lets begin with the challange.

Winja CTF Challange

So as you can see, we now know there’s something inside those files but the zip file is protected with a pin. So for any password/pin protected zip we have our John the ripper tool.

So lets jump straight to our terminal and get the flag :)

Steps to get the flag:

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Run zip2john > hash

3. Run john — show hash

4. Now we got the pin 2611 so lets unzip the files

5. We got 2 .png files, now we will run strings on them and grep for flag

Got the flag :)

Submitted this flag and got 300 points :)

Hope you liked my first writeup. Feel free to dm me on twitter mass0ma for any doubts in this challange. Until then Happy Hacking :)

